Family-Based Immigration Lawyer
Family-based immigration allows U.S. citizens and Green Card holders to bring their close relatives to live in the United States as lawful permanent residents. When permitted, a person desiring to bring a husband, wife, parent, child, or sibling to the United States through family-based immigration, will need to file a Petition and supporting documents for that person. As a critical aspect of the case, the U.S. Petitioner must assure the foreign relative does not become a public charge, an increasingly demanding requirement.
Unfortunately, especially in the last five years, that process has become more difficult and time-consuming. Although it is never required that an attorney be employed, you may find that advantageous due to the complicated nature of the process. We have been helping people with family-based immigration for over 25 years. Reach out to us to arrange a confidential consultation.
Some of the More Common Questions That Arise Include
Am I Eligible to Sponsor My Relative?
U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents may be able to sponsor applicants for family-based immigration if they are the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of the applicant. Additionally, and although not meeting the definition of a relative, a U.S. citizen may sponsor a foreign fiancée (or fiancé) obtain a visa to come to the U.S. to be married.
How Long Does Family-Based Immigration Take?
Bringing immediate relatives--spouses, parents, and children under 21--of United States citizens to the U.S. is usually the fastest process. As long as the immediate relative is not barred from the United States for any other reason, there are no limits on the number of immediate relatives. The process, however, may take a year for those living outside the U.S.; those already here may be able to adjust status (remain in the U.S.) until the green card is received.
Other than for immediate relatives, the U.S. limits the number of family-based immigration visas. If you are a permanent resident, for instance, you may be eligible to sponsor your spouse or child. Processing times may be substantial. If you are a U.S. citizen, you may also be able to sponsor a brother or sister, but that process can take much longer.
How Much Does Family-Based Immigration Cost?
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Department of State set the filing fees. We will be happy to meet with you to analyze your situation and discuss our likely fee.